Wednesday, May 22, 2013

CITRUS LANE May 2013 review

Citrus Lane is a baby-toddler subscription service that sends out 4-6 baby friendly items each month.  The boxes start at $25/month with shipping included.  Click here to sign up and receive $10 off your first order!  The items are curated based on your child's age.  They anticipate what will be coming up next to make sure that you have what you need!  They used to do Theme's, but starting this month, they are not doing them anymore. This box is based on my son's age, 18 months. Use the link on this page for $10 off to use on a future box and enter code FIRSTBOX to receive half off your first box!

I don't have a picture of everything together because my son totally tore into this submarine!  We love Green Toys! $14.99

 Step Steep Lavendar stick $4.95.  This is a moisturizing stick that can be used by mom's on lips, hands, and any other dry spot.  I love how versatile it is.  Unfortunately for Citrus Lane, I just got one in my Stork Stack box so it was a double for me and it didn't have the novelty factor. 

Happy Family Rice cakes. $2.99.  I'm so tired of getting these rice cakes!  I've gotten them in so many other boxes and my son hates them so they just go in the trash.  I've seriously gotten these probably 6 times.  

 The Journey Home from Grandpa's house, By Barefoot Books, $10.  Books with audio are fun, but I don't have a CD player in my house, except for on my computer so its a little bit of a hassle.  They should offer an mp3 download. :-)  

Overall, I wasn't that pleased with this month's box.  Maybe its because I felt like there wasn't any substance to it.  Yeah, my son liked the submarine, but the other three items were pretty blah.  I feel that one more item would've made it seem worthwhile.  But, you win some you lose some in the world of sub boxes!


  1. My son got the same box and he's 25 months... I wasn't impressed either. Im starting to like Bluum boxes more, but their customer service sucks! :( He loves the rice cakes!!! so please don't throw them out! I will gladly take them!! lol

  2. My son hates everything so food is always hit or miss. Unless its for me! I'm liking bluum too except this past month I wasn't too thrilled. Stork stack is my all time favorite!
