Friday, April 19, 2013

CITRUS LANE April 2013 review

Citrus Lane is a baby-toddler subscription service that sends out 4-6 baby friendly items each month.  The boxes start at $25/month with shipping included.  Click here to sign up and receive $10 off your first order!  The items are curated based on your child's age.  They anticipate what will be coming up next to make sure that you have what you need!  They used to do Theme's, but starting this month, they are not doing them anymore. This box is based on my son's age, 18 months. Use the link on this page for $10 off to use on a future box and enter code FIRSTBOX to receive half off your first box!

Another great looking Box!  Citrus Lane never disappoints.  Well, sometimes I'm a little less thrilled than others, but this month was great!  

Innobaby carton holder.  I loved this item when I first got it 6 months ago.  I can't remember if I got it from CL or Stork Stack, but I've had it and love it. It is expandable to fit a full milk carton and can also be used for the horizon milk containers, except when used with these it can be squeezed to make a mess.  Kind of defeats the purpose, but its still cute and has the handles so hopefully they won't be squeezing.  $5.99 on Amazon.

Oogaa silicon placemat.  This is really cute, but unfortunately my LO will not keep a placemat down.  He thinks its to be thrown or peeled off and then thrown.  $8.38 on amazon.

Honest CO soap/body wash.  I looked on facebook and saw that they were including honest co.  I was really hoping that it was the wash because other boxes have already included a ton of their stuff and I don't need any more samples of it.  This is a full sized bottle and I was happy to see it! $9.95 on Honest co website. 

Plum baby mish mash and coupon.  The mish mash is what we keep getting at this age and unfortunately my LO won't eat any of it. All food items are lost on him because he can't eat it.  boo, but maybe I'll eat it.  :-)  $1.48.

Melissa and Doug paint with water.  $6 on amazon.  This is cute and I'll see what he thinks, but he's not much for this stuff yet, so I might just put it away for a while.  He doesn't really like any of the Weecantoo items that we got a ton of in the past.  (I'm getting BLUUM little artist box and will probably have more in there as well).

Overall, I liked this box.  I kind of like that they aren't doing themes anymore so its more of a surprise.  It suits us and as usual, I'm happy.  The value of the box was about $35 bucks so not really a great value IMO, but I'll take it. 

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